Dielectric Relaxation of Bound Water versus Soil Matric Pressure
The dielectric permittivity of soil is a function of the water content, which facilitates water content measurements. The permittivity of soil is also a function of the frequency of the applied electric field. This frequency dependence can be described by …
Salinity / Electrical Conductivity (EC)
Electrical conductivity (EC) is the most common measure of soil salinity and is indicative of the ability of an aqueous solution to carry an electric current. Soil salinity refers to dissolved salts such as sodium chloride, calcium chloride and magnesium …
Dielectric Permittivity
Dielectric permittivity (ε) is grounded in complex physics but in simple terms it can be described as the ability of a substance to hold an electrical charge. The dielectric constant (Ka) is the ratio of the permittivity of a substance …
Soil Matric Potential
Capillary matric potential is sometimes referred to as tension or pressure head (ψ, hPa) is the cohesive attractive force between a soil particle and water in the pore spaces in the soil particle/water/air matrix. Typical ranges are 0 to 10,000,000 …
Soil Horizons
Soil horizons are distinct layers of soil that form naturally in undisturbed soil over time. The formation of soil horizons is called soil geomorphology and the types of horizons are indicative of the soil order. Like other natural processes, the …
Soil Textures
Soil texture refers to the composition of the soil in terms of the amounts of small (clays), medium (silts), and large (sands) size particles. The primary particles of sand, silt, and clay make up the inorganic solid phase of the …
Soil Orders and Taxonomy
Soil, just like plants and animals, has been broken down by scientists into a hierarchical classification system, which is as follows: orders, suborders, great group, subgroup, family, and series. While there are thousands of types of soil around the world, …